Your Cookie Settings

This section allows you to manage the various cookies we use to personalize your experience on your website. You may choose which cookies to allow and may change your settings at a later time by visiting our Privacy page.

Necessary Cookies

These cookies are necessary to ensure our site's core functionality, and we cannot turn them off within the site. They are part of our default settings. They include security, accessibility, page loading, and overall responsiveness and network management. While you may disable these by changing your browser's settings, your changes might affect how the site functions. To learn how to change your browser settings, click here.
Type Provider Name Description
First Party Analytics/Personalization (Sitecore) SC_ANALYTICS_GLOBAL_COOKIE Recognizes website visitors (anonymously-no personal information is collected on the user)
First Party Visitor Preference (Sitecore) privacy-notification Indicates whether privacy banner should be kept open or closed
First Party Technical (Sitecore) ASP.NET_SessionId Maintains a secure session between device and server during a visit
First Party Technical (Sitecore) sxa_site

Used by Sitecore to identify SXA site origin

First Party Visitor Preference (Sitecore) rtx#lang

Used by Sitecore to store the language preference for the user

First Party Technical (Azure) x-ms-routing-name

Generated by Azure Cloud

First Party Technical (Azure) TiPMix

Generated by Azure Cloud

First Party Technical (Cloudflare) __cfduid

The _cfduid cookie helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to our websites and minimizes blocking legitimate users

First Party Technical (Sitecore) GDPR Consent

The GDPR Consent cookie contains the names of cookies a site user currently opting in

First Party Technical (Sitecore) shell#lang

Used by Sitecore to store the language preference for the user

Preference Cookies

These cookies indicate your preferences for your onsite experience and will remember the choices you make on the site. You can choose to opt in to keep these or opt out to deactivate them.
Type Provider Name Description On
Type Provider announcement-cookie This is to show announcements and dismiss them 
Preference LinkedIn _li-insight-tag Enables LinkedIn's Insight tag, which enables us to track website conversions tied to all our LinkedIn ads.
Third party Salesforce _evga_,_sfid_ Salesforce Interactions SDK is used to track users behavior on Collins website and send that behavioral data to Marketing Cloud Personalization. This enables the Marketing Teams to build user or visitor behavior profiles.
Third Party Google _ga, _gat, _gcl_au, _gid, _ga_SDGPBQDJ7B, _ga_F5Q7BSTQ73, _gat_UA-162028072-1, _gat_UA-47467783-1, _gat_gtag_UA_118039187_1, _gat_gtag_UA_47467783_1, _gat_gtag_UA_162028072_1

Google Analytics perform analyses of information on location, interests, etc., to learn about our visitors and measure the performance of our website and website content.

Third-Party Cookies

These cookies are not controlled by this site and are set by a website other than They are usually set by various social media platforms, along with marketers and advertisers from sites you have visited. You cannot turn these cookies off within Instead you must go directly to those sites to disable them.
Type Provider Name Description On
Third party Xandr uuid2

This cookie contains a unique randomly-generated value that enables the Platform to distinguish browsers and devices. It is matched against information – such as advertising interest segments and histories of ads shown in the browser or device – provided by clients or other third parties and stored on the Platform.

For more information about the Platform opt out, click here.

For more information about information collected and used on the Platform, see our Platform Privacy page.

Third Party Google __Secure-1PSIDCC Cookie required to use website options and services
Third Party Google __Secure-1PSID, __Secure-3PSID, __Secure-3PSIDCC, __Secure-1PAPISID, __Secure-3PAPISID Targeting cookie. Used by for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor's interests in order to show relevant & personalized Google advertising.
Third Party Google 1P_JAR These cookies are used to collect site statistics and track conversion rates.
Third party Xandr anj

The anj cookie contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with our partners. ID syncing enables our partners to use their data from outside the Platform on the Platform.

For more information about the Platform opt out, click here.

For more information about information collected and used on the Platform, see our Platform Privacy page.

Third party Adobe Launch com.adobe.reactor.dataElementCookiesMigrated Facilitates data transfer between Adobe DTM and Launch.
Third Party Google APISID Enables Google to collect user information for videos hosted by YouTube
Third party Xandr icu

The icu cookie is used to select ads and limit the number of times a user sees a particular ad. It contains information such as the number of times an ad has been shown, how recently an ad has been shown, or how many total ads have been shown.

For more information about the Platform opt out, click here.

For more information about information collected and used on the Platform, see our Platform Privacy page.

Third party Google Doubleclick IDE Used by Google DoubleClick and stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. This is used to present users with ads that are relevant to them according to the user profile.
Third party Xandr pses

The pses cookie is used to measure the time a user spends on a site.

For more information about the Platform opt out, click here.

For more information about information collected and used on the Platform, see our Platform Privacy page.

Third party Xandr sess

The sess cookie contains a single non-unique value: “1”. It is used by the Platform to test whether a browser is configured to accept cookies from Xandr.

For more information about the Platform opt out, click here.

For more information about information collected and used on the Platform, see our Platform Privacy page.

Third party Google Doubleclick test_cookie This cookie is set by The purpose of the cookie is to determine if the users' browser supports cookies.
Third party Xandr token

Cookies that start with token are helper cookies used as a security measure with industry opt-out pages. They contain a unique value only to verify the origin of opt-out requests.

For more information about the Platform opt out, click here.

For more information about information collected and used on the Platform, see our Platform Privacy page.

Third party Kickfire (TwinIQ) twin.php Used to calculate metrics such as time on page.
Third party Xandr uids

This cookie contains a base 64 encoded JSON object which contains external unique randomly-generated values that enable other Prebid Server demand partners to distinguish browsers and mobile devices. This information is used by our Prebid Server demand partners to select advertisements for delivery by the Platform and to measure the performance of, and attribute payment for, those advertisements.

For more information about the Platform opt out, click here.

For more information about information collected and used on the Platform, see our Platform Privacy page.

Third party Xandr usersync

The usersync cookie contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with our partners. ID syncing enables our partners to use their data from outside the Platform on the Platform.

For more information about the Platform opt out, click here.

For more information about information collected and used on the Platform, see our Platform Privacy page.

Third party SiteImprove nmstat This cookie name is associated with the website analytics service provided by SiteImprove. It enables site owners to gather usage statistics about their websites.
Third party AddThis __atuvc This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. 
Third party AddThis __atuvs This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. 
Third Party Google OGPC

These cookies are used by Google to store user preferences and information while viewing Google mapped pages


These cookies are used by Google to display personalized advertisements on Google sites, based on recent searches and previous interactions

Third Party LinkedIn AMCV_###@AdobeOrg, AMCVS_###@AdobeOrg

Cookies provided by LinkedIn and associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. This stores a unique visitor ID to track users across their domains and services.

Third Party LinkedIn bcookie

Browser Identifier cookie to uniquely identify devices accessing LinkedIn to detect abuse on the platform

Third Party LinkedIn lang

Used to remember a user's language setting to ensure displays in the language selected by the user in their settings.

Third Party LinkedIn s_tslv

Used to retain and fetch time since last visit in Adobe Analytics

Third Party LinkedIn s_ppv

Used by Adobe Analytics to retain and fetch what percentage of a page was viewed

Third Party LinkedIn s_tp,s_ips

Tracks percent of page viewed

Third Party LinkedIn s_plt

Tracks the time that the previous page took to load

Third Party LinkedIn gpv_pn

Used to retain and fetch previous page visited in Adobe Analytics

Third Party LinkedIn s_cc

Used to determine if cookies are enabled for Adobe Analytics

Third Party LinkedIn s_pltp

Provides page name value (URL) for use by Adobe Analytics

Third Party LinkedIn li_sugr

Used to make a probabilistic match of a user's identity outside the Designated Countries

Third Party LinkedIn liap

Used by to denote the logged in status of a member

Third Party LinkedIn lidc

To facilitate data center selection

Third Party LinkedIn lms_ads

Used to identify LinkedIn Members in the Designated Countries for advertising

Third Party LinkedIn lms_analytics

Used to identify LinkedIn Members in the Designated Countries for analytics

Third Party LinkedIn UserMatchHistory

LinkedIn Ads ID syncing

Third Party Crazy Egg _ce.s,_drip_client_9574608, cebs

Tracking website usage including heat maps and click data